Christof Barrier - Team Coordinator

I'm Christof and I'm majoring in electrical engineering with a focus in power systems.
I've accepted a full time offer with Emanuelson-Podas in Minneapolis, MN.
Logan Hinkle - Research and Design

I'm Logan, and electrical engineering student with a focus in biomedical engineering.
Keve Hughes - Research and Design

My name is Keve Hughes, I am an Electrical Engineering student with a focus in Power Systems.
Brian Lemke - Research and Design

Hi my name is Brian, I am an Electrical Engineering student with a focus in power systems.
Cortland Polfliet - Mentor Liaison

I am Cortland Polfliet studying at Iowa State University for Electrical Engineering with a focus in control systems.
Nolan Rogers - Meeting Scribe

I'm Nolan, an electrical engineering student completing a sequence in both semiconductors and power systems.
Eric Schultz - Design Lead

I'm Eric and I'm majoring in electrical engineering with a focus in power systems.